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A Goodnight Book for Name

A Goodnight Book for Name

134,99 RON 134,99 RON
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A Bedtime Book for Little Warriors Who Are Fighting the Need to Sleep.

The adventures for the day are done and now it is time to prepare for a great sleep. But, why do we have to sleep when it is much more fun to be awake? Our little warrior has brushed their teeth, is tucked into bed and has their goodnight story read aloud. However, they are still fighting the need to sleep.

The story focuses on a teddy bear that travels to the land where no one ever sleeps. The teddy has one fun adventure after the other and it is fun for the teddy to try everything. However, eventually, the teddy bear becomes tired and it is not so fun anymore. Perhaps, it would be nice to sleep now and again after all.

“A Goodnight Book for Name” is written by psychologist and children’s book author Ina Victoria Haller. The book can be used as inspiration to finding a good bedtime routine and maybe give a better understanding of the necessity of sleep. Included in the book is a little mindful relaxation exercise to be read while the child lies in bed.

There is one child and one grown-up featured in this book.

Autor: Ina Victoria Haller
Ilustrator: Christinna Krog Andersen

Grup de vârstă
De la 3 la 5 ani
28 pagini
delivery time
10-15 zile lucrătoare
Pe stoc
Pe stoc
Etichetă ecologică Nordic Swan
Etichetă ecologică Nordic Swan
Copertă cartonată, lucioasă - 200g
Copertă cartonată, lucioasă - 200g

Personalise A Goodnight Book for Name

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about the Child

Write the name of the city/town where the child lives.
Write the name of the country where the child lives.

Information about the Adult - who takes the Child to bed


Extra People - Who say goodnight to the Child

Write the name of a person saying goodnight to the child before bedtime. He/she is not illustrated.
Write the name of a person saying goodnight to the child before bedtime. He/she is not illustrated.
Write the name of a person saying goodnight to the child before bedtime. He/she is not illustrated.

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