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Oscar, Name and Name  and the Haunted House's Secret

Name, Name and Name and the Haunted House's Secret

134,99 RON 134,99 RON
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A spooky, suspenseful story for curious children who like ghosts and monsters!

Something mysterious is going on at the infamous haunted house at the end of Cobweb Way in Old Skullington. Is the house really abandoned? Do ghosts and monsters actually exist? Only a visit to the abandoned house can answer that. The children of the story soon find themselves at the centre of their own horror movie!

This spooky story is an unpredictable experience with thrills, fun and nerve-wracking moments. Luckily, it quickly becomes clear that even the most sinister looking ghosts and monsters can turn out to be sweet and welcoming. The only thing they are out for is just making some new friends!

This personal children's book can be made for one, two or three thrill-seeking children! All children are equally involved in the story.

Autor: Anne Mette K Olesen
Ilustrator: Meike Schneider

Grup de vârstă
De la 5 la 9 ani
27 pagini
delivery time
10-15 zile lucrătoare
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Pe stoc
Etichetă ecologică Nordic Swan
Etichetă ecologică Nordic Swan
Copertă cartonată, lucioasă - 200g
Copertă cartonată, lucioasă - 200g

Personalise Name, Name and Name and the Haunted House's Secret

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).
Choose the number of children in the story.

Information about Child 1

Write Child 1's name here

Information about Child 2

Write the name of Child 2. This child is taller than the 1st child. They can be an older sibling or a friend.

Information about Child 3

Write the name of Child 3. This child is smaller than the 1st child. They can be an younger sibling or a friend.

Information about the Adults

Write the name of a parent/step-parent or grandparent. This person is on holiday with the child(ren). This person is not illustrated.
Write the name of a parent/step-parent or grandparent. This person is on holiday with the child(ren). This person is not illustrated.

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